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Year Groups

At Gunthorpe Primary School, we believe that every child we teach is unique and special and as such we strive to make our school 'unique and special' too... In this area, you will find the latest news for each class.

The new National Curriculum provides the core of the teaching and learning experiences in our school.

Our class teachers use a balance of whole school, groups and individual teaching. The particular method they employ will depend on which they judge fits the purpose of the lesson, the nature of the task or the abilities of the children.

Assembly takes place on a daily basis in a variety of forms. During the course of a week there is a 'sharing' assembly, Headteacher's assembly, and a Key Stage assembly. The assemblies follow a theme and may supplement the R.E. Curriculum. Parents are entitled to withdraw children from assembly if they wish. This request should be made in writing to the Headteacher.

Parents/carers are invited to join us for their child's Year Group Learning Assemblies which are throughout the year. In addition, we also welcome parents to special celebrations such as the end of the school year, school shows/performances and the Christmas and summer fetes. Notice will be given to parents through Class Dojo. 

Community contacts include visiting the local post office, farm, superstore and fire station.

We like to try and organise visits as regularly as possible to promote children's learning through first hand experiences. These support the school's curriculum and can be in the form of extended residential trips, day trips, visititors to school and themed days. School will try and provide as much notice as possible to allow parents to assist the school in meeting any costs.

After school / lunchtime clubs are organised on a termly basis. These clubs enable children to pursue their interests out of school hours. The variety of clubs differers each term.